No need to adjust your screen, our charts went through a glow-up last month.
We first started reporting DMV sales numbers during the pandemic in 2020 to provide operators with up-to-date information on how restaurant sales were performing week by week. With shutdowns, stay-at-home mandates and all kinds of volatility, our charts were built specifically to help tell the story of how those changes affected restaurants on a 7-day moving average.
Thankfully, restaurant sales have stabilized over the last few years, and how we report these metrics should better suit the needs of running a restaurant today. Rest assured, it's the same data, now presented in a more meaningful way.
The first chart below shows a trailing 4-week (28-day) average of year-over-year (YOY) sales by segment. This view essentially gives you a monthly YOY average, with the trailing 28 days accounting for the months being different lengths. Last month, Fast Casual came in at 1% and Full Service at -6% at the end of January compared to January 2024 sales.
The second chart is a deep dive into January's numbers with a 7-day moving average, showing more granular data on daily trends. In last month's chart, for example, both segments show a bump on January 20th-22nd, likely due to the presidential inauguration increasing tourism around the capital, and many having MLK Day off of work and school.
The last chart, delivery as a percentage of sales, is the same chart you know and love. Delivery as a percentage of overall sales accounted for 14% for both the DMV and Nationwide. This was an increase from December, likely due to very, very cold January weather.
With the NFL Superbowl and Full Service Superbowl (Valentine's Day) coming up, we're wishing you all a profitable February. See you in March!
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