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Talk to sales: 703-239-4459

I know we are all probably following these numbers, but as we finally see the 7 day moving average of Covid cases starting to drop we are also starting to see the slightest uptick in our sales numbers.

Here’s to hoping that the drop in cases continues (for ALL of the reasons) and has a rebounding impact on our sales and restaurant reopening guidance.

And as always, you can see our full breakdown below.

Stay Safe,

P.S. For those following along on these notes, but are not a MarginEdge client, we would love to include your numbers in our data set and continue to build out the value of the reporting. We are giving our MarginEdge Lite product for free. This little tool connects your POS to accounting system and creates journal entries – hopefully time saving for you while increasing our sample size as we track recovery across our network. Obviously no obligation or commitment, just an offer for those interested!


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Tag(s): Metrics