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May Meant Consistency for DMV Restaurants

Sales remained steady for DMV restaurants this May, with Fast Casual's monthly average ending at 16.3% compared to 2021, and Full Service at 30.1%. These numbers are encouraging and consistent with the first quarter of the year. Without jinxing it - we may be steadily reaching our new normal.   

In-house delivery rates were nearly identical to April's numbers, ending at 9.9% of overall sales for the DMV and 12.1% for the rest of the US.

Overall YOY sales ended higher than April at roughly 54%, no doubt helped by the restaurant world's super bowl: Mother's Day. Even with global pandemics and rising inflation, there is one thing you can bet on in this world and that is that families will always take their mothers out to eat on Mother's Day.

By segment, both Fast Casual and Full Service were consistent with April's numbers, ending at 64.4% for Full Service and 18.9% for Fast Casual. 

May's metrics show DMV restaurants are in a great spot for the start of summer - so bring on the warmer weather and we'll see you for our update in June!

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DMV all sales May 22

DMV by segement May 22

DMV MVA May 22-1


DMV deliver May 22



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